WYSIWYG Editor - Create Your Content in the Store.

WYSIWYG editor appears in the store's administrative panel when content is added. You can find it in product editing (descriptions), informational pages or blog. Thanks to the editor, you can, for example, add a photo, file or headers to your content.

Table of Contents

SOTESHOP. WYSIWYG Editor - Entering Text and Description.

Enabling Advanced Editing

In the Admin Panel go to ApplicationsWYSIWYG Editor WYSIWYG Editor module icon

HTML Editor Configuration
  1. Select Enable advanced editing,
  2. Press the Save button.

Enabling advanced editing activates hidden editor options such as font type and size, and text and background color.

HTML Editor

How to Add an Image to a Product Description?

  1. In the Admin Panel select ApplicationsProducts Products module icon
  2. Select the product you are interested in and edit it
  3. Go to Full Description. Go to the place where you want to insert the image and select from the description menu Insert => Image. menu edytora wysiwyg, wstaw obraz Click the icon to the right of the Source field (folder with a magnifying glass). właściwości obrazu Find your file in the Responsive FileManager window and click on it. pliki na serwerze w Responsive FileManager or Click the Upload File icon in the top left corner of the Responsive FileManager window. Upload a file from your computer and select it. wybierz plik z komputera w Responsive FileManager
  4. Confirm by pressing Ok
  5. image added to product description
  6. Save changes made to the product

Link to PDF document in product description

  1. In the admin panel, select ApplicationsProducts Products module icon
  2. Select the product you are interested in and edit it
  3. Go to Full description
  4. Go to the place where you want to insert the link to the PDF document and select from the description menu Insert => Link address
  5. wysiwyg editor menu, insert link
  6. Click the icon to the right of the URL field (folder with magnifying glass)
  7. link properties
  8. In the Responsive FileManager window, find your file and click on it
  9. files on the server in Responsive FileManager


  10. click the Upload File icon in the top left corner of the Responsive FileManager window
  11. Upload a file from your computer and select it
  12. select file from computer in Responsive FileManager
  13. In the Text to display field, enter the words under which the link will be displayed in the description
  14. Confirm by pressing Ok
  15. link to pdf document added to product description
  16. Save the changes made to the product

Related Documentation

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