Allegro: Automotive


Category "Motoring". Check the category and product report from the Allegro catalog. Subcategories: Car Accessories and Equipment, Chemistry, Parts for Machines and Other Vehicles, Motorcycle Parts and Equipment, Car Parts, Tools and Workshop Equipment, Tires and Wheels, Cars, Motorcycles and Quads, Machines, Trailers, Other Vehicles and Boats.

Allegro Motoring

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Motoring – categories

Division of the "Motoring" category into subcategories and percentage share taking into account the number of all nested subcategories.

Motoring – products

Division of the "Motoring" category into individual subcategories with the number of products. All products: 152 737 229

Check out the full report: Allegro – all categories and products. Report and catalog analysis 2022.

Car Equipment and Accessories

All products from the "Car Equipment and Accessories" category: 6 652 618 Go to the Allegro page and check the current data and offers in the category: Car Equipment and Accessories


All products from the "Chemistry" category: 1 025 442 Go to the Allegro page and check the current data and offers in the category: Chemistry

Parts for Machines and Other Vehicles

All products from the "Parts for Machines and Other Vehicles" category: 1 116 335 Go to the Allegro page and check the current data and offers in the category: Parts for Machines and Other Vehicles

Motorcycle Parts and Accessories

All products from the "Motorcycle Parts and Accessories" category: 5 048 400 Go to the Allegro page and check the current data and offers in the category: Motorcycle Parts and Accessories

Car Parts

All products from the "Car Parts" category: 55 065 517 Go to the Allegro page and check the current data and offers in the category: Car Parts

Tools and Workshop Equipment

All products from the "Tools and Workshop Equipment" category: 3 012 833 Go to the Allegro page and check the current data and offers in the category: Tools and Workshop Equipment

Tires and Wheels

All products from the "Tires and Wheels" category: 4 415 684 Go to the Allegro website and check the current data and offers in the category: Tires and Wheels


All products from the "Cars" category: 43 560 Go to the Allegro website and check the current data and offers in the category: Cars

Motorcycles and quads

All products from the "Motorcycles and quads" category: 76 348 941 Go to the Allegro page and check the current data and offers in the category: Motorcycles and quads


All products from the "Machines" category: 5 056 Go to the Allegro page and check the current data and offers in the category: Machines

Trailers, semi-trailers

All products from the "Trailers, semi-trailers" category: 2 275 Go to the Allegro page and check the current data and offers in the category: Trailers, semi-trailers

Other vehicles and boats

All products from the "Other vehicles and boats" category: 568 Go to the Allegro page and check the current data and offers in the category: Other vehicles and boats

Data Calculation Methodology

Check the information about data calculation and presentation. The data methodology from the report is described on the page: Allegro – all categories and products. Report and catalog analysis 2022.

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