Frequently Asked Questions on the Product Page. Generate answers with SOTE AI and GPT 4o.


We have a double surprise for our customers. The first is a new element on the card: "Product Questions," which allows for the presentation of frequently asked questions and answers with the ability for customers to ask questions. The second is artificial intelligence support in providing answers by the seller in the store panel, thanks to the SOTE AI service. With just one click, artificial intelligence will answer the asked question. Try the new SOTESHOP features now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ, Q&A, Questions and Answers) is a section on the product card that lists the most frequently asked questions by users along with answers. It serves to quickly provide information, clear up doubts, and deliver key information about the product or service without the need for direct contact with customer service.


Below are some selected benefits of using questions and answers on the product card:

  • Customers can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the product without the need to contact customer service. This saves time for both customers and employees.
  • By browsing questions and answers, customers can better understand the product's specification and functionalities, which can help them make an informed purchasing decision.
  • Customers have the opportunity to ask their own questions, engaging them in interaction with the company and increasing the time they spend on the website - which has a real impact on SEO positioning.
  • Additional SEO bonus and better positioning in Google.

How to Activate Product FAQ in the Store

To activate the new feature, simply update the store and go to "Applications" > "Product FAQ" > "Configuration" in the store panel and check the "Activate" option. After saving the configuration, an additional "Product Questions" section will appear on the product card.

Feature list:

  • Add the "Product Questions" section on the product card.
  • Ability for customers to add a question.
  • Form with CAPTCHA support.
  • Privacy policy acceptance.
  • Option to consent to the publication of the question and answer.
  • Ability for the seller to add their own questions in the panel.
  • Support for language versions.
  • Adding the seller's own answer.
  • Generating answers with AI assistance.
  • Notifications about a new inquiry in the panel.
  • Option to automatically send a reply to the customer with a link to the product.
  • Link to inquiries directly from the product.

Artificial Intelligence Support with SOTE AI

In addition to the ability to add your own answer, it is possible to add an answer using artificial intelligence. If you have the SOTE AI Standard or Pro service activated, you can generate a reply with one click. The AI system will analyze the product data and try to answer the question. Always read and, if necessary, correct the answers to ensure the response is as accurate as possible.

AI Features:

  • Analysis and use of product data.
  • Option to generate different lengths of responses.
  • Support for GPT-4o.

Chat GPT-4o

The "Product FAQ" module uses the latest version of Chat GPT 4o, which offers much greater capabilities than earlier versions, GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4. Learn more: GPT 4o in SOTESHOP


The new "Product Questions" section on the product card and SOTE AI artificial intelligence support are conveniences that significantly improve the customer experience. Customers can quickly get answers to their questions, increasing their engagement and time spent on the website, as well as improving SEO positioning. With AI, sellers can efficiently manage questions, saving time and providing precise answers.

Generate unlimited AI images and descriptions

With the SOTE AI service, you generate images and descriptions without limits, whenever you want. You can generate many versions and choose the best-generated data. Additionally, you can use SOTE AI up to 100 times for free to see how artificial intelligence functions in the SOTESHOP online store.

Order SOTE AI and activate the artificial intelligence system in your store.


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