We have released an update to the program related to GDPR. Update your store and inform your customers about your privacy policy.
SOTESHOP software meets all current EU legal requirements and is certified by the Trusted Shops organization for compliance with European law. The incoming GDPR data processing law imposes a number of obligations on store administrators to strengthen the security policy of processed data, which is at a high level in our software.
The program has the required security measures, including, for example, double encryption of sensitive data in the database, support for the SSL protocol and a number of programming security measures protecting the store.
How to adjust the store after the update:
1. In the appropriate forms, e.g. user registration, orders, newsletter, an automatic message regarding the consent to the processing of personal data will appear.
2. This message refers to the text of the privacy policy - we recommend reading the text currently posted in the store and, if necessary, making changes to it (Marketing => Information => Privacy Policy).
3. After making changes to the privacy policy and regulations, you can turn on a message informing about the changes in the store, displayed to all customers on the home page (Module Configuration => Compliance Module => Notification of Changes in Regulations)
SOTESHOP Update Instructions
Order access to SOTESHOP updates
Set up your SOTESHOP store for free for 14 days.
Check out the new version of SOTESHOP 8.
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