Wholesalers: VMP, Bieliznacentrum.pl, B3, Import Data to Store.


New wholesalers in SOTE's offer: VMP - swimwear and lingerie wholesaler, Bieliznacentrum.pl - lingerie and hosiery wholesaler, B3 - exclusive importer of kitchenware and accessories. Integrate your store with the chosen wholesaler and increase your store's offer.

Wholesalers: VMP, Bieliznacentrum.pl, B3

VMP Wholesaler

VMP is a swimwear and lingerie wholesaler with a solid position in the lingerie market. Its offer includes both men's and women's lingerie, as well as everyday, night and erotic lingerie, as well as swimsuits and swim trunks.

See in WebStore: VMP Wholesaler - store integration

Bieliznacentrum.pl Wholesaler

Bieliznacentrum.pl is a wholesaler of lingerie and hosiery products. Its offer includes both men's and women's lingerie, as well as night and erotic lingerie.

See in WebStore: Bieliznacentrum.pl Wholesaler - store integration

B3 Wholesaler

B3 wholesaler is an exclusive importer of kitchenware and accessories from leading European producers.

See in WebStore: B3 Wholesaler - store integration

Wholesalers in SOTESHOP

See the list of ready integrations with wholesalers in WebStore: Wholesalers

If you want to integrate with a wholesaler but it is not on the list of integrations, contact us by writing to office@sote.pl - we will check the possibilities of integration with the SOTESHOP online store.

Wholesalers in Poland

If you don't know which wholesaler to choose for your store, check out the SOTE report containing over 600 wholesalers operating on the Polish market. Choose a category and check the popularity ranking of wholesalers: Wholesalers in Poland. SOTE Report 2022.

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Wholesalers in Poland. List of 675 wholesalers divided into categories and ranked by popularity. SOTE 2022 Report.

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How to set up an online wholesale store with SOTE?

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Wholesalers: Beauty System, Natura Med, Medica-Group. Integration with the store.

Wholesalers: Beauty System, Natura Med, Medica-Group. Integration with the store.

SOTE now offers new wholesalers: Beauty System - manufacturer and importer of furniture and cosmetic equipment, Natura Med - distributor of natural products, Medica-Group - distributor of dietary supplements and cosmetics. Integrate the store with the selected wholesaler.