Artificial intelligence (AI)

SOTE Blog About Online Stores

AI translations - how does it work? How to assess the quality of translations?

AI translations - how does it work? How to assess the quality of translations?

Translations using artificial intelligence AI are not just a change in the field of text translation, but it is part of a larger revolution in e-commerce. In order to fully take advantage of its capabilities, it is worth understanding it a little. In this article, we will explain how AI translations are carried out in SOTE and how to prepare a store to ensure the best possible quality.
Italian version of the SOTESHOP online store. Translation update from Open AI (Chat GPT).

Italian version of the SOTESHOP online store. Translation update from Open AI (Chat GPT).

We have added an update for the Italian version to the SOTESHOP online store. Translations in the new version have been supplemented thanks to the Open AI (Chat GPT) artificial intelligence. Simply update the store and the missing system translations will be automatically completed. Additionally, we offer translations of the entire assortment into Italian using AI.
German version of the SOTESHOP online store. Update of translations from Open AI (Chat GPT).

German version of the SOTESHOP online store. Update of translations from Open AI (Chat GPT).

We have added an update for the German version to the SOTESHOP online store. The translations in the new version have been completed thanks to Open AI (Chat GPT) artificial intelligence. Simply update the store and the missing system translations will be automatically completed. Additionally, we offer translations of the entire assortment into German using AI.
Great benefits for SEO and positioning with an additional language version.

Great benefits for SEO and positioning with an additional language version.

Adding a new language version allows not only to reach new customers in Poland and foreign sales, but also has real benefits for SEO and positioning of the entire store. It is one of the simplest and fastest methods to add SEO value to the entire online store, also in the Polish version.
AI Translations Up to 97% Cheaper. Product Descriptions and Categories.

AI Translations Up to 97% Cheaper. Product Descriptions and Categories.

We have introduced an innovative service for translating product descriptions, categories and texts based on the OpenAI artificial intelligence system, which is also the basis for Chat GPT. Translations are currently made in 12 languages supported in SOTESHOP, but new ones can also be added. The cost of AI translations is 96% lower than standard translation, plus very short delivery time. It is worth using AI to work for us.
Ukrainian Version of the SOTESHOP Online Store

Ukrainian Version of the SOTESHOP Online Store

We have added a Ukrainian language version to the SOTESHOP online store. It is not only a new version, but also a new system integrated with OpenAI artificial intelligence-based translations, which is the basis of Chat GPT. Thanks to this, you can easily enable the Ukrainian version and take advantage of automatic translations of the entire assortment.