Price Groups - Wholesale Change of Same Prices.

If you have many similar products at the same price, you don't have to change the price of each one separately. You can assign products to a price group and manage their prices in one place. You can define your own price templates covering: product price, wholesale prices, currencies, VAT and old price (crossed out). Additionally, there is an option to import and export assigning products to a price group.

Table of contents

In the admin panel, go to ApplicationsPrice Groups Price Group Module Icon

Adding a new price group

Price Group List
  1. Press the Add button, Adding a new price group
  2. Enter the Group Name,
  3. Enter the Description,
  4. Choose Change one price or Set price template,
  5. Press the Save button.

Assigning a product to a price group

  1. Edit the product, Assigning a single product to a price group
  2. Select the Price Group,
  3. Press the Save button.


  1. Edit the group,
  2. Select Assign products, Assigning products to price group lists
  3. Check Products,
  4. Select Selected: Add to group.

You can also use the Import / Export function to mass assign products to a given price group.

Changing product prices in the price group

Return to ApplicationsPrice groups

Changing a single price

  1. Edit the group, Setting a new single price
  2. Select Change one price,
  3. Select Which price do you want to change,
    • Net price,
    • Gross price,
    • Old net price,
    • Old gross price,
    • Wholesale A net price,
    • Wholesale A gross price,
    • Wholesale B net price,
    • Wholesale B gross price,
    • Wholesale C net price,
    • Wholesale C gross price,
  4. Enter the Price modifier,

    Enter a value e.g.:

    • 10.00 → will set a new price of 10.00,
    • +10.00 → will add to the current price 10.00,
    • -10.00 → will subtract from the current price 10.00,
    • +10% → will add to the current price 10%,
    • -10% → will subtract from the current price 10%,
  5. Press the Save and Synchronize button,
  6. Wait for the synchronization to complete, Process of synchronizing product prices in a price group
  7. Press the Show products link. Check the new product prices. List of synchronized products

Setting a Price Template

  1. Edit the group, Setting a price template
  2. Select Set price template,
  3. Select VAT,
  4. Enter prices
    • Net price,
    • Gross price,
    • Old net price,
    • Old gross price,
  • Wholesale price A net,
  • Wholesale price A gross,
  • Wholesale price B net,
  • Wholesale price B gross,
  • Wholesale price C net,
  • Wholesale price C gross,
  • Press the Save and synchronize button,
  • Wait for the synchronization to complete, Synchronization process
  • Press the Show products link. Check the new product prices. Synchronized prices in the product
  • Changing product prices in the price group for currencies

    1. Edit the group,
    2. Select Group prices in currencies, List of templates in currencies in the price group
    3. Press the Add button, Setting the price in currency in the price group
    4. Select Currency,
    5. Choose Change one price or Set price template,

      Changes for currencies are made analogously to changes for the main currency. See above.

    6. Synchronize prices.
    Synchronized price template in currency

    See the Prices in currencies documentation.

    Related documentation

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