Advertisement for an online store. How to start? 9 questions and answers.


Promoting an online store must start with a good understanding of how ads work on Facebook and Google. Whether we do it ourselves or outsource the advertising to an external company, this knowledge is essential for more effective advertising.

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Learn how to start advertising online. 9 answers to frequently asked questions.

  1. Facebook or Google?
  2. Where to start?
  3. Advertise yourself or hire an agency?
  4. How long to wait for results?
  5. How to reach customers of competitors?
  6. Do advertising systems "learn"?
  7. Ad banners or video?
  8. Where do Facebook ads appear?
  9. Where do Google ads appear?

1. Facebook or Google?

The answer is simple: Facebook and Google. Combining advertising in these two largest advertising networks of Facebook and Google gives the best results. Do not limit yourself to only one of them.

2. Where to start?

If we have no ads yet, we should start with remarketing, i.e. advertising to people who have visited our website. By adding more ads that reach new customers each time someone visits our website, they will automatically receive a remarketing ad.

It is a good practice to add ads on Facebook and then transfer a similar logic of ads to Google Ads. Facebook is first for a reason, as managing ads on Facebook is easier.

3. Advertise yourself or hire an agency?

Regardless of whether we define the ads ourselves or hire a marketing agency, we need to know about advertising at least in a basic way. If we know nothing about advertising and want someone else to learn from scratch about our industry, we have a good chance of seeing high chart bars and very low sales results. If we want our ads to be consistent in both Facebook and Google ad networks, we should entrust the definition of them to the same people.

If we have the opportunity, it is worth managing the ads in our own team.

4. How long do we have to wait for the results?

If we start advertising on the internet, we cannot expect results right away. A suitable time is needed for our advertising campaign to be effective. This is the period when we learn how to reach the right customers, which advertisement is the most effective, how to optimize and scale the campaign.

It takes 2 weeks to assess the first results of the advertisement. This is the period of technical launching of the advertisement (from 5-7 days) and the time of collecting the first data.

It is worth planning ads for a period of several months or longer.

5. How to reach the customers of the competition?

It is not possible to accurately identify people who visited another page, but it is possible to direct the advertisement to a group of potential customers who are interested in a given page, subpage or topic (Custom Intent). Such a group will be expanded by Google and will not be as precise as remarketing, but this is a good way to identify the target group.

6. Do advertising systems "learn"?

Not only do we learn, but the Facebook and Google advertising systems learn. Our settings determine which ads and who will appear, but to a large extent the decisions are made by artificial intelligence systems that manage the ads, both on Facebook and in Google. To make these systems work well, we must constantly provide them with data. Any interruption of advertising reduces the effectiveness of the campaign, so it is worth maintaining continuity.

7. Advertising banners or video?

Video advertising is the most effective advertising both on Facebook and Google (YouTube), but if we are just starting out, it is worth starting with banner ads. If we add a new ad to the Facebook network, it is best to add a 1:1 video format if we are advertising on YouTube, use the most popular 1:91:1 format. The video should always be in HD format, but it does not have to be 4K (yet).

Ultimately, we should have both banner and video ads.

8. Where are Facebook Ads displayed?

The Facebook network covers many platforms. By adding ads in the FB Ads Manager, we can reach them all together.

Facebook Network:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Partner Network e.g. ads on websites and in apps.
  • Messenger
  • Whats App

9. Where are Google Ads displayed?

The Google network is the largest advertising network on the internet. It includes:

  • Google Search Results
  • Google Shopping
  • YouTube
  • Partner Network e.g. ads on websites and in apps.


It is worth advertising on the internet, both on Facebook and Google. If you are not advertising in any network, don't wait and start today. Learn how to start and add an ad on Facebook.

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