Greater Knowledge with Chat AI. Additional Product and Store Information.


Chat AI is revolutionizing e-commerce, and we are adding another brick to the revolution by introducing new capabilities for our service. Now, Chat AI not only has the knowledge available on the product page but can also include hidden information and general sales details about the store. These new features allow for even better customer service and can significantly enhance the knowledge Chat AI uses during customer interactions. Help your customers 24/7, 365 days a year. Increase your sales with Chat AI.

Activate Chat AI in Your Store

Activate the Assistant and Chat AI in your store and sell more. With artificial intelligence, the AI Assistant will help your customers with their purchases. It will answer questions about a product, describe features, usage, or suggest an attractive price. All of this 24/7, 365 days a year.

Order SOTE Chat AI and activate the AI Assistant in your online store or order a 7-day Chat AI Demo.

Order SOTE Chat AI   Order Chat AI Demo

New Chat AI Features

Chat AI extensions in SOTESHOP include adding additional knowledge for the AI system. All the updates described below are available as standard.

Additional AI Data on Product Page

A new tab "AI Data" has been added to the product page. The information entered there is not visible in the store, but the Chat AI system uses it for additional knowledge. It may include:

  • Specialist parameters
  • Additional knowledge about the product or category
  • Other related product information

Additional Store Sales Information

Additional AI Data for products is added individually, and each product has different data. For additional AI data for the store, the information is attached every time. It may include data such as:

  • Address and opening hours of the physical store, if applicable
  • Payment methods, delivery, returns
  • Other general store sales information

Product Q&A

An additional bonus is the option to include selected questions and answers from the Product FAQ module. This way, there's no need to manually enter this data; simply select which questions and answers should be provided to the AI.

Greater AI Knowledge - More Effective Sales

The more specialized knowledge we provide to the AI, the better responses the AI Assistant will give in chat. Remember, Chat AI is not like common bots that paste ready-made answers. Artificial intelligence understands the context of the question, analyzes grammar, content, and provides responses in natural language. This allows it to genuinely assist customers in making purchases and always has time for them.

Order SOTE Chat AI

With the SOTE Chat AI service, you not only generate product descriptions, blog posts, images, translations, etc., but you can also activate Chat and AI Assistant on the product page.

Order SOTE Chat AI and activate the AI Assistant in your online store or order a 7-day Chat AI Demo.

Order SOTE Chat AI   Order Chat AI Demo

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