Integration of the store with the warehouse. The cyclic import allows for the cyclic import of product data from internet warehouse to the online store. Import of new products, updates, category mapping, margins, individual configuration. Check out the ready integrations: Warehouses and dropshipping.
Example import of data from a warehouse based on another SOTESHOP store.
In the administrative panel, select Offer → Cyclic import
Go to the edit of the selected import.
Address to the file with products, received from the warehouse.
If checked, disables product picture updates on re-importing data.
If checked, disables product attribute updates on re-importing data.
If checked, disables product option updates on re-importing data.
If checked, disables product category updates on re-importing data.
If checked, it disables product description updates when data is reimported.
Checking this option will cause previously added products to be physically removed from the store's offer if their category is marked as excluded. By default, previously imported products are not removed from the store's offer despite their category being excluded.
Specifies the default status of newly imported products. If the option is set to Inactive, the Products withdrawn from the offer option will not automatically set the product to active if it is available in the offer.
This margin will be applied to all products from the import. The margin can be monetary or percentage.
Specifies the default availability to be set for newly imported products.
Specifies what action to take for products withdrawn from the wholesaler's offer. For automatic resumption of products for deactivated values, the Default product status option must be set to Active.
If the imported product has a nesting category Accessories/Keychains and the target category points to the store category Categories/New products then the product category after import is Categories/New products/Accessories/Keychains. If the target category is not completed, new products are imported into the hidden category tree with the same name as the import name.
Go to Category Mapping
Categories on the list will appear after the first import.
If checked, the imported category and all its products are skipped during import.
To view the import logs, go to Applications → Task Scheduler and search for the task corresponding to the cyclic import from a given wholesaler. See the Task Scheduler documentation.
Go to Configuration