SOTE AI - translate store content effortlessly with AI

Translate descriptions and content with just one click. The power of AI enables translation into multiple languages, including English, Ukrainian, Czech, German, and French.

Order SOTE AI service for your SOTESHOP store

Spis treści

To use it, configure SOTE AI first.

Product Translation

  1. While editing a product, change the editing language,
  2. Click the AI Translations button, Window for translating product content by AI
  3. In the Show field, select All,
  4. Check the Translate option for the fields you want to translate,
  5. Click the Translate with SOTE AI button, Product description translated by AI
  6. Click the Save and return button.
Description in French translated by AI

Post Translation

  1. While editing a post, change the editing language,
  2. Click the AI Translations button, Window for translating blog post content by AI
  3. In the Show field, select All,
  4. Check the Translate option for the fields you want to translate,
  5. Click the Translate with SOTE AI button, Post translated by AI
  6. Click the Save and return button.
Blog post in French translated by AI

Category Translation

  1. While editing a category, change the editing language,
  2. Click the AI Translations button, Window for translating category description by AI
  3. In the Show field, select All,
  4. Check the Translate option for the fields you want to translate,
  5. Click the Translate with SOTE AI button, Category description translated by AI
  6. Click the Save and return button.
Category description in French translated by AI

Product Group Translation

  1. While editing a product group, change the editing language,
  2. Click the AI Translations button, Window for translating product group name by AI
  3. In the Show field, select All,
  4. Check the Translate option for the fields you want to translate,
  5. Click the Translate with SOTE AI button, Product group name translated by AI
  6. Click the Save and return button.

Website Page Translation

  1. While editing a website page, change the editing language,
  2. Click the AI Translations button, Window for translating website page content by AI
  3. In the Show field, select All,
  4. Check the Translate option for the fields you want to translate,
  5. Click the Translate with SOTE AI button, Website page translated by AI
  6. Click the Save and return button.

Banner Translation

  1. Go to GraphicsBanners,
  2. Edit the selected banner,
  3. From the drop-down list in the upper right corner, select another editing language, e.g., French,
  4. Click the AI Translations button, Window for translating banner content by AI
  5. In the Show field, select All,
  6. Check the Translate option for the fields you want to translate,
  7. Click the Translate with SOTE AI button, Banner translated by AI
  8. Click the Save and return button.
Banner in French translated by AI

Delivery Name Translation

  1. Go to ShopShipping,
  2. Edit the selected delivery,
  3. From the drop-down list in the upper right corner, select another editing language, e.g., French,
  4. Click the AI Translations button, Window for translating delivery name by AI
  5. In the Show field, select All,
  6. Check the Translate option for the fields you want to translate,
  7. Click the Translate with SOTE AI button, Delivery name translated by AI
  8. Click the Save and return button.

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